
Thursday, March 13, 2014

I feel like a bitch because I missed his birthday

My best friend and roommates boyfriends birthday was last night. It wasn't just any birthday, it was his 21st birthday, and they along with some other friends headed out to the bar to celebrate.

I stayed in. And kinda feel like a bitch.

Being a bitch was not my intention -- My intention was to stand strong with my goals and resolutions. I knew that if I went out to the party that I would myself most likely party and that was something I was not willing to risk.

It's hard to keep my resolutions priority -- going out didn't sound too terrible, it actually sounded kind of fun, but I needed to put me first!

So to Luke -- If your reading this -- Let's have a celebratory lunch soon!

Happy Birthday!

P.S. -- I'm going to see my boyfriend Adam Levine at the Houston Live Stock Show! I'll post pictures! :)
