
Thursday, March 13, 2014

I feel like a bitch because I missed his birthday

My best friend and roommates boyfriends birthday was last night. It wasn't just any birthday, it was his 21st birthday, and they along with some other friends headed out to the bar to celebrate.

I stayed in. And kinda feel like a bitch.

Being a bitch was not my intention -- My intention was to stand strong with my goals and resolutions. I knew that if I went out to the party that I would myself most likely party and that was something I was not willing to risk.

It's hard to keep my resolutions priority -- going out didn't sound too terrible, it actually sounded kind of fun, but I needed to put me first!

So to Luke -- If your reading this -- Let's have a celebratory lunch soon!

Happy Birthday!

P.S. -- I'm going to see my boyfriend Adam Levine at the Houston Live Stock Show! I'll post pictures! :)


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

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Resolution #2 - Focus on work.

Success is in my own hands. This morning I decided to take the leap and do some 'above and beyond' event for work. I scheduled it as a breakfast so that it didn't interrupt my already busy schedule.

6:15AM -- Waking was hard-- real hard. It hurt. Bad. I couldn't tell you the last time I was up at 6 am... and if I had to guess, it was probably because I had yet to fall asleep. JK! But really...

7:00AM -- After pulling myself out of bed, showering, and getting dressed, I headed out to Taco C to pick up my catering order. Breakfast Tacos TC's way yall! Nough' said!

7:30AM -- I began the long trek to Katy! 

8:00AM -- I arrived to my breakfast, setup, and schmoozed. 

8:30AM -- I spoke to a classroom of 30+ students, answered questions, and got a bunch of great leads! 

9:15AM -- Headed into the office for a productive day at work. 

Ok... Ok... my morning play by play isn't exactly the point....

Today I woke up early and focused on my career. And it paid off. Today has been more productive than an average day ... before lunch! A little focus and dedication can go along way. 

Resolution #2 - Focus on work. 

I want work to be my top priority in 2014. 

Getting to the top in my career is not an ability issue, rather it's a willingness problem. I have not been WILLING to take it to the next level. Do I have the ability? Of course! I'm a boss. But ability only goes so far. 

A little focus can along away! 

"One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. Most people dabble their way through life, never deciding to master anything in particular" 
-- Tony Robbins 

Now back to work I go! 


If you relate -- comment!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Resolution #1 - Learning to be alone.

I don't know what it is about being alone that I dislike, but I HATE being alone. I'm a people person and while I enjoy relaxing after a hard days work, I enjoy relaxing in the company of good people.

I'm sitting here alone right now writing this blog. It's thrilling.

No -- I don't have a desire to go out and get hammered. That's definitely NOT it... but I don't like sitting a lone twiddling my thumbs either. Boring. I so need a hobby.

Resolution #1 - Learn to be alone.

I want to learn to be HAPPY and CONTENT alone.

I want to be just as satisfied watching TV by myself as I would be watching TV with my best friend.

Ok... It's OBVI (that's short for obviously)  that I would rather be watching TV with my best friend. Hands down. But it is necessary to  have downtime. To have me time.  And to learn to be alone!

So tonight -- It's RuPaul, my laundry, to-go food and my apple. Alone.


If you relate -- comment!

I gave up Alcohol for Lent

I've been scolded for saying it too much. I gave up alcohol for lent. I'm not sure if I'm proud that I gave up alcohol or if I'm just trying to prove to myself that I CAN give up alcohol ... but so far it's been good.

This isn't my first rodeo with giving up boo's recently -- January was dry and in reflection I was much more focused in January and saved a lot more money then in my DRUNKEN February.

In February I made up for lost time and boy was it fun (sarcasm) . From what I can remember...

...But now it's time to get back to the basics and figure out what the F i'm doing in my life... 

Figuring out what I want is the hard part. I want the American dream. I want the good job. Nice car. Kids. Boyfriend. Family. Good friends. But how do you achieve all these things? I can barely take care of myself. How do I take care of others? Nurture healthy relationships? Advance at work? Finish school? The list could go on forever... 


My boss always says "There can be no growth without discomfort" and I think he is right. We must move outside of our comfort zones to grow and move forward as people. Now is my time to shine. This blog is going to chronicle my no-bullshit (OK...maybe some bullshit) journey to a better, happier, more unique me. 

Enjoy! And don't judge me... too much!       


The Struggle Is Real

I don't really know how to start this whole thing so I'll begin with this... The Struggle is Real.  I'm a twenty something and gay kid-man looking for the answers to life. I'm trying to figure out what drives me, what distracts me, and what the F i'm doing with myself. I can't promise this will be fun. Actually, I know it won't. But it will be real. The Struggle is real...